Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The Beatles Come to Rock Band!

I'm not a huge gamer by any stretch of the imagination. I tend to fall in with one gaming system or another before I get bored with it and move on to real lame shit like reading books or looking at porn online.

But I must admit that this little trailer from the geek mecca that is E3 has me a little stoked. I may have to snag an Xbox 360 and a sick Sgt. Pepper jacket so I can play along. I'll even grow Beatle hair and a nice moustache.


  1. I wish we had formed a sweet band in high school... We could've played at the Oakland Mills Village Center and opened for Minas Tirith

  2. We would have rocked the shit out of The Barn! Maybe we could have released a 6" with Jester.

  3. Awww shit, freak party at Da Barn. I'll be in the middle of the freak train.. woot woot!

  4. Did you really have freak parties there? We just had angsty teen bands and shit.

  5. Yeah, I thought I was pregnant once after one of those parties.
